Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What a Memory!

Last week, Cub Scout Day Camp 2010 was H-O-T...HOT!!!  And I'm not just talking about the temperature.  From bb's and spirit punches to fire hoses and spending time with my dad, it was a week to remember.

BB's was phenomenal!  Once again, the BB's instructor, Mr. Miller, taught me something that pertains not only to BB's, but life.  He told us to NEVER GIVE UP.  He was right.  I got 48/50 on the first day and kept trying all week for a perfect score at the end.  However, my final score was 43/50.  Even though it wasn't perfect, I tried hard, never gave up and actually had a ton of fun.  The bad news is that this was Mr. Miller's last year with this camp experience.  Maybe I'll see him again at another scouting event.  He will definitely be remembered!

How many shapes can you find?  Tell the color, too!
As a part of the cub scout experience, we wore a passport that had a page for each day.  On the first day our group, Vector, received 11"Spirit Punches!"  Slow down a minute, first I need to tell you what "Spirit Punches" are.  "Spirit Punches" are small holes punched into your passport by the leaders of each station.  The more spirit and good sportsmanship your group has, the more punches you get.  The more punches means you have a better chance to get the spirit prize at the end of the day.  I loved being a spirit leader. I stood at the front of the line and shouted cheers as we walked from station to station.  On that first day, our group tied for the most "Spirit Punches."  We each got a rock-n-roll silly band!   For the remainder of the week, we continued to "do our best," but didn't win again.  FYI...on Tuesday we had 14 punches, Wednesday was 9, Thursday was 5 (with over 100 degrees for the temperature) and Friday was a half day and 1 punch.

After lunch on Wednesday and Friday we had some very special guests.  Fire Station 22 from Henrico came out to spend some time with us.  You'll never guess what they did.  No, they didn't talk about fire safety.  Nor did they talk about smoke detectors.  They didn't even mention stop, drop, and roll.  So why do you think they came?  As you can see, it was to cool us down and spray us off with their colossal water gun that's on top of the fire truck.  We were soaked from head to toe. My shoes were filled with water and I had to slosh my way across the field.   It's a good thing the leaders told us to bring extra socks, but maybe we should have brought extra shoes and clothes as well.  Or maybe not, because they were HOT days!  Thank you, firefighters, for saving us on such a scorcher of a day.

My dad is awesome!  He took all of his days off to spend with me at camp.  On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday he was a chaperone.  On Tuesday and Thursday, he wasn't there because he's a firefighter and had to go to work.  He makes me so proud and it's not just his handlebar moustache that makes me say that.  One of my favorite moments  during camp was on Wednesday and Friday when my dad and I got to go over to the fire trucks early to meet the guys.  I shook their hands and I know that my dad was probably proud of me, too.  Having him there meant the world to me.  I can't wait until we go to overnight camp together later this summer.

Day camp gave me so many memories that I will never forget.  If you ever get a chance to go, you should do it!   Have you ever been to a summer camp and made memories like me?  What is one of your favorite memories from camp?  If you didn't go to camp, what about a favorite summer memory?


  1. Jacob,
    What an awesome blog! I always loved CS Day Camp and your old Cubmaster only wishes she could have been there to enjoy it with you. It looks like you had an incredible time. Keep writing! You have an awesome voice.
    Mrs. Richardson

  2. Hi Jacob!

    I'm glad you survived the heat and were able to create this great blog!
    It sounds like you had a fantastic time. I can't wait to see what the rest of the summer has in store for you!

    Stay cool!


    ps- I think that the real lesson that you learned at camp was- "always have an extra pair of socks!"

  3. Thank you so much for the note. It means a lot for several reasons. It's my first blog and my first post. It's nice to have comments from a family friend who knows who I am and day camp. Please tell Samantha and Sylvester that we're doing well, but miss you guys. Also, tell about the blog. I bet they could start their very own blog! Check back for more of my adventures.


  4. Hi, Bob!

    Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. It's a lot of fun reading comments.

    I also appreciate the extra time you spent with Evelyn and me when you were at South Anna Elementary. I have to say that the way you autographed my HUGO book was perfect--I'm a puzzle kind of guy. To refresh your memory, this is what you wrote..."Life is a wonderful puzzle. Work hard and you'll figure it all out. Your pal, Bob Boyle"

    P.S. You might be right about the sock thing, however there's more to that story than I can share on my blog. I'll have to email you the details.


  5. Jacob, I love the blog. The pictures are great. I know you and your Dad had such a good time. And you were in the swim meet as well. Can't wait to spend the fourth with you and Ev. Love, Pa

  6. Jacob,
    Keep up the great writing. When you're old like I am, you'll be able to read your writing and take a walk down memory lane to RIGHT NOW-your fabulous years as a child. Enjoy the ride, kid! Sincerely, Amy Fish

  7. Hi Jacob,
    This is an awesome blog, and you are a wonderful writer. My boys LOVED cub scout and boy scout camp. I can't tell you how many times they've been to Brady Saunders, but to my knowledge they never had the fire truck come hose them down! The boys even went to the Scout Jamboree in 2005 with BAUMC's Chris Allen, Garrett & Trent McLees. You should go walk around Jamboree one day this month, as it's amazing! Both Ryan and Cody are Eagle Scouts, and without a doubt Scouts helped them make good choices as they grew up. But the times they truly remember are the ones that begin....."Hey, don't tell Mom about that one, OK?" Like the time Cody slipped on an icy hike and almost slipped off the side of a mountain. Or when they earned the "Finger Carving" Chip (some call it the Whittling Chip, but I know otherwise) So gather 'round the campfire and ask other Scouts to share their favorite stories this summer.
    Your friend, Miss Donna (Corbelli)
